Friday 12 October 2012

Prayers to Yanara

It is incumbent on priestesses and priests to worship Goddess Yanara 4 times a day. It usually happens in the throne room, but also in the bedroom or anywhere the Goddess wishes.

(If interested in ancient Egyptian language, you may ask for the texts in ancient Egyptian )

Morning Rite-Prayer of Awakening 
Awake, awake, awake, 
Awake in peace, 
Lady of peace, 
Rise thou in peace, 
Rise thou in beauty, 
Goddess of Life 
Beautiful in heaven. 
Heaven is in peace 
Earth is in peace 
O Goddess! 
Daughter of Isis
Daughter of Osiris
Queen of Egypt 
Goddess rich in names! 
All praise to You 
All praise to You 
I adore You 
I adore You 
Goddess Yanara!

Noontime Rite 
From the land of morning I hail you Yanara
I thank You for Your guidance 
Through the hours between night and noon 
Welcome to the softer sky of afternoon 
Look ahead to the respite of dusk and evening

An Evening Orison of Yanara– The Evening Rite 
Hail Yanara, glorious Goddess, 
Day is done and the night is come, 
The sun is set and the stars emerge 
This is the Evening Rite, 
The rite to end the day of light. 
Let your instrument sound Your name, 
Hailing You with all homage, 
Yanara glorious Goddess. 
To the candle which the match I rise 
On the altar set to You, Yanara, glorious Goddess, 
And the nighttime incense rises, sweetly mixed, 
To put me in the mind of perceiving You 
Yanara, glorious Goddess 
Who rises behind me like a flame of gold 
And brushes my back with deft wings. 
I make open the nape of my neck to You. 
Let your portal welcome You, O Yanara, 
Great and glorious Goddess. 
Up my hands rise and hold 
The curved bow of exaltation, 
And rise once more 
To the sharp angle of invocation. 
Come, oh great and glorious Goddess, 
Come into the fullness of force and love, 
Let your garment for a moment clothe You, 
O Yanara, Goddess great and glorious.

Rite of Night – A Nighttime Prayer 
I hail You and praise You, 
Glorious Goddess, 
At the end of this day which You granted me. 
May my actions within its hours be 
judged to be justified, 
And my words within its hours found to be true. 
Drain from me all ill intent and action; 
I offer to You all energy I have locked 
In unworthy action or reaction 
May tomorrow by Your grace find me 
Wiser and my joy in the Universe still greater. 
I ask Your welcome now in the Temple; 
Accept me this night for rest, for study, and for worship; 
Grant me dreams of meaning and the memory to recall them. 
Hail to You, Goddess of the Starry pathways, 
Hail to You, Goddess of the Deep Black, 
Hail to You, Goddess of the Shining Sun at Midnight, 
May I partake of Your glory forever.


  1. Goddess, i learned that Your priests and priestesses must fully fast without food or water for a whole day! Wow!! What a devotion they show to You!
    How often must they fully fast?
    Must Your slaves fully fast too?
    It is obvious to me that Goddess Yanara Herself always enjoys the finest foods and beverages, while slaves around Her probably slog their guts out and go hungry...

  2. Baskenatur's version of this image is better. Contact me.

    1. euuuh excuse me: this is his version, only a blue filter! I never changed Baskenatur's creations.
