It is an honor to wear a tray gag. Slaves wear them only when personally serving Goddess Yanara.
Servers spend hours near the Deity. Many slave men know their living Goddesses only from a distance. A server may even look Mistress in the eyes. An act that when considered irreverent brings terrible punishment.
Servers are chosen from among the most favored males. Select men train for the task. They learn to kneel without wobbling or repositioning their legs. And to keep necks and heads motionless. Not all are able to attain sufficient bodily control.
Should a male drop the wine beaker he suffers. Goddess Yanara and Her priestesses always have punishment whips near at hand.
These punishment whips are covered with small ‘bumps.’ The bumps hit skin a fraction of a second before the whole whip. The bumps bruise and break skin, increasing the pain of each lash.
Should a server spill the wine on the Goddess Owner’s person, he would go to a dungeon. Now he would serve by suffering. Tears and screams are the best apologies a man can offer.