The girl on the picture is not me!! |
The blistering sun stood directly overhead when several chariots pulled up in front of the palace complex. Domestic servants immediately emerged from the cool shadows of the building to meet the party that had arrived.
The Queen, the living goddes of Egypt, swept past her servants briskly and disappeared into the palace. Senemet, her confidant and high priest, barked an order to the servants who immediately scurried back indoors. He then followed the Goddess into the palace on his knees, a few steps behind. Others alighted from the chariots, favored servants and minor officials whose presence the Queen demanded whenever an audience occurred with the powerful priests of Amon-Re in their temple.
Following a few steps behind the Goddess, Senemet was dimly aware that a few paces behind him walked Anina, the Nubian princess who was a favorite of Goddess Yanara and in charge of the concubines, and Gaelin, a new slave although already a favorite of the goddess of Egypt, whose normally pale skin was bronzing more and more each day. Senemet knew that the Queen enjoyed the contrast of pigments between them: the dark beauty of the princess from a powerful kingdom to the south of Egypt and the light complexion and hair of the barbarian from the northern lands across the great sea. He also knew very well that both had been initiated, multiple times, into the sacred mysteries of her afternoon "rests." Although both had legitimate positions in the household, the Queen was just as interested in them for their sexual skills.
But earlier that afternoon Senemet had admitted to himself, grudgingly, that the Queen did understand Egyptian politics: she had impressed the hierarchs of Amon-Re by having in her entourage two attendants from different corners of the earth. Hopefully the impression of her power and influence would last for a while he thought grimly. Although he did not think they would openly contest the authority of the new Queen, they could make things very difficult.
In any event, the presence of the Queen and her retinue had pushed the priests into greater arrogance, and this had not put the Goddes of Egypt into a good mood.
"I have instructed the domestics to prepare a light lunch for you, my Queen, perhaps you would like to discuss..." Senemet began.
"There is nothing to discuss, Senemet," Goddess Yanara snapped. "Unless you want to discuss the impertinence of those damned priests. Who do they think they are anyway?"
Senemet winced; she was really pissed off this time. Goddess Yanara quickened her pace down the hall muttering to herself. The tall blue and red tiara, the symbol of pharonic authority, hit the stone floor where she threw it after ripping it off her head. The false beard that Goddess Yanara wore for public appearances soon followed.
"Why do I have to wear these things" she snarled as she rounded a corner and continued marching.
After signaling two slaves to retrieve the sacred paraphernalia, he answered, "Surely the Queen understands the importance of appearing in the traditional guise of the office."
Goddess Yanara suddenly wheeled and faced Senemet. A very attractive woman in her mid twenties, she put her hands on her shapely hips and gave Senemet a sweet but deadly smile.
"I think it is high time that Egypt recognizes me as a woman and as Pharaoh. I am the goddess of Egypt. Don't you agree, Senemet?" she said.
As she had been talking to him, Goddess Yanara had moved closer and closer to him. He could almost feel her nipples, protruding through her garment, brushing against him by the time she had finished speaking. Goddess Yanara had an overpowering sensuality and an already legendary sexual appetite that Senemet found unnerving. While waiting for his reply, she played with one of the gold chains around his neck and looked directly in his eyes.
Senemet cleared his throat, averted his gaze and quickly replied, "Of course, my divine Queen, you are the goddess of Egypt."
She wheeled around and continued down the hallway. Senemet sighed and took up his usual place a few paces behind her. He felt a twitching in his groin as he watched her walk in front of him, her lovely body accentuated by the tight-fitting, fluted tunic that came to her mid calf. She was hot and she knew it. Everyone knew it. In fact, Senemet thought ruefully, the group of servants behind him, and certainly that Nubian woman and the new slave, not only knew the eroticism of their goddess by touch but also by taste. How ironic that everyone thought he was her lover and he had never once touched let alone tasted her divine body.
The Queen dismissed both Gaelin and Anina when she went to her lunch. "I'll probably see both of you later my dears," she said affectionately while patting their cheeks, sliding her hands down their chests and then patting their hips as a benediction. Anina and Gaelin were both aware of Senemet rolling his eyes but pretended not to notice.
"Come Senemet," she demanded, as she passed through and opening into her dining area.
Gaelin and Anina both went to grab something to eat in one of the servants kitchen before retiring to their quarters for the afternoon.
"I guess I'll see you later," Gaelin said to Anina placing his arm around her waist.
"Sounds like it," Anina returned with a smile.
She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before they turned and went their separate ways.
Anina walked back to her quarters in the harem. She was recalling the first time she had seen Gaelin. She had always heard stories about white-skinned people that lived far away across the northern sea, but she had always assumed that it was a myth. But there he had been standing with a group of slaves new to the household. Senemet had been explaining their duties with the Queen observing. Anina looked intently at Gaelin and was surprised to notice that he was looking just as intently at her. In a flash of insight she realized that he had probably never seen a Nubian woman before; it was obvious that they were both intensely interested in each other. The Queen was, at any rate, amused at the reaction that each had for the other. She smiled at Anina when she caught her eye while Senemet droned on and on about palace policies. Anina knew that the Queen was aware of their mutual interest; very little escaped the keen observation of the goddess of Egypt.
And one week later, Anina thought to herself with a smile, Goddess Yanara gave them both the opportunity to explore their fascination.
Gaelin had been thinking along the same lines as he walked back to his room. How much his life had changed since being captured when he was eighteen, becoming a slave for the Greeks and rising to the position of a prominent and respected servant at a great palace, and now, given as a gift by his former master, serving this most unusual Queen in Egypt. How his family would have laughed if he told them that he had seen the fabled dark-skinned people beyond the sea.
He still remembered drinking in the ebony beauty of Anina the first time he saw her. The flashing white of her eyes and her luxurious hair is what he noticed first, and then he took in the rest of her amazing body: she was tall with long muscular legs, graceful curving hips, a round full bottom and breasts that swelled against her garment. He had been embarassed standing and listening to Senemet because he was afraid that his obvious arousal would catch the attention of someone. She looked amazing.
When he reached his room, Gaelin stood at his window and looked out into one of the courtyards. Two women were walking from one side of the courtyard to the other while tending some children. But he didn't see them; instead, he was remembering an afternoon, much like this one, several months ago when Anina had appeared at his door. He had only been in the palace a week at that point and it had been exactly a week since he had seen the Nubian princess. He had learned that she was a princess who was a peace offering from the Nubians to the south, that she was in charge of the harem of concubines, and that her name was Anina.
He remembered how she had walked into the room wearing the garb of a common domestic slave: a skimpy loin cloth and the large round collar that draped over her shoulders and over her chest so that it covered the upper part of her breasts and barely her nipples. She was wearing an exotic perfume and the green eye paint that Gaelin now understood to have erotic significance.
The moment all came back to him. Stepping into his room she explained that the Queen had sent her to ask if he needed anything. From the moment she walked into the room the air was crackling with sexual tension. Gaelin had not answered her immediately although his mind and body were screaming at him what he needed. Taking a moment to look at her -- he remembered thinking that she was shockingly beautiful -- he finally did reply with a simple yes.
"Is there anything I can do to help," she had replied stepping forward and, Gaelin remembered, breathing a little faster. When she moved the collar shifted on her chest, revealing the lower part of her large dark areolas. Lust surged through him when he noticed, and looking up to her face he realized that she was fully aware of what he had seen.
He had once again answered her question simply, "I want you."
She had taken some steps closer until she was right in front of him, the outer fringe of her collar brushing against his naked chest. With her face only inches from his own she smiled and whispered softly, "That's why I'm here."
He remembered their lips meeting for the first time slowly, but that the kisses that followed grew in intensity as they unleashed the hunger and desire they had both felt for each other. Soon they were in each others arms kissing with their tongues meeting in and out of their mouths. He remembered their clothes quickly hitting the floor and their naked bodies pressing together.
Shuffling over to his sleeping mat they had tumbled down together with their arms and legs and tongues entangling and disentangling. He remembered the sound of her sighs and moans as he had sucked forcefully on first one and then the other nipple. He remembered lowering his face between her legs and the contrast of her dark skin and pink sex. He remembered that first taste and how she had moaned with pleasure as he had devoured her. She came several times simply from his tongue and mouth on her. He remembered rolling her over so he could enjoy her ass. He had relished her giggle and then her heavy breathing when he pushed his face down between her cheeks and began to lick and tongue her tight little ring. She had cried out with pleasure as he tongued her pucker and fingered her clit.
They had spent the afternoon together wearing each other out with touching and licking and sucking and fucking. He remembered cuming several times that afternoon: once face to face and belly to belly thrusting into her silky smooth channel, once kneeling as Anina swallowed his cock and then his seed, and once, at Anina's request, in her ass after he had tongued her for the third time that afternoon.
And it was that afternoon, while they lay in each other's arms recovering, that he had learned his other duties. He remembered Anina describing to him the insatiable sexual appetite of the Queen and the afternoon orgies that would take place in her apartment several times a week.
"Expect to be summoned any day now," she had said to him as she got up from his bed.
"Did you come to test me?" he had replied.
Anina had smiled her disarming smile, "the Queen only wants the best in her bedroom. As I said, expect to be summoned soon."
And with that she had dressed and left.
Gaelin stirred himself from the window and flopped down on his bed. His cock fully erect from his trip down memory lane, he slowly stroked himself hoping that he would get a summons this afternoon. He suddenly heard a knock on the wooden door of his room. Sitting up in his bed he called for the person outside his chamber to enter.
A young women came into his room. If his cock could have straightened up any more it would have. As it was, the sight of the dark-eyed beauty in his room caused an almost painful straining. He had seen her before in the company of Anina. A recent acquisition to the harem, she was in her early twenties and clearly from the region of the Brahmans. Gaelin took in her long black hair, light brown skin, regal face with high cheek bones, and perky, petite body in an instant before again looking in her glorious eyes. She looked delicious.
"The Goddess-Queen would like me to escort you to her chambers this afternoon."
She spoke very correct Egyptian but with a slightly foreign accent. Gaelin found it sexy and was inwardly rejoicing at the top of his lungs. But he retained his composure except for a broad smile he allowed to creep over his face.
"The Goddess is generous in sending such a lovely companion to escort me to her presence," he said as he got up from his bed.
"I have seen you with Anina of course. What's your name?" he continued.
"Chandra" she replied after recovering from her initial blush at his compliment.
Chandra was wearing what all women wore to the afternoon parties in the Queen's quarters: the wide draping collar and skimpy panties of a common domestic slave. The collar covered her breasts completely but Gaelin could not help but notice them pushing out against it. As he moved closer to her he smiled again.
"Have you been with our goddess when she has her afternoon rests?" he asked.
"No, this will be my first time." she said looking straight in his eyes.
"Are you nervous?" Gaelin continued now standing only a few feet from her.
"A little... but also very curious" she said flashing a quick grin.
"Anina said that you could tell me about your first time in her chambers. She said that might help me to understand what to expect."
"But you already have some idea what to expect, I suppose." Gaelin said putting his hand very gently on the side of her face and stroking her soft cheek..
"Yes... I do." she said softly as she brought her own hand up to his.
"Well, why don't we start walking and I will tell you my story. If we walk slowly I will finish by the time we get there." Gaelin said directing Chandra to the door.
They exited Gaelin's room and headed down the corridor.
"I too was very nervous the first time I went to the Queen’s quarters. Of course I had been trained sexually when I first became a slave in Greece ... as we all have been trained," Gaelin added the last comment when he looked over at Chandra. She nodded with a little smile on her face. Gaelin continued.
"When I arrived in her bedroom the action I had heard about was already underway. I saw the goddess of Egypt crouched on her sleeping mat on all fours. Beneath her was Ina, a Babylonian woman whom you probably know, whose tongue were busy lapping up the nectar dripping from her goddess and whose own sex was receiving a vigorous massage from Goddess Yanara’s fingers. Although she probably had been sucking away at her slaves juices, the Queen was now sucking the cock of Jabal who was also kneeling on the sleeping mat. Have you met Jabal yet? He's a Hittite man who had entered into the Queen’s service with me. Jabal was obviously enjoying himself. I remember that as I dropped my clothes to the floor and walked over to the group I could hear Ina moaning when she wasn't tonguing her goddess as Yanara’s fingers worked their magic on her clit.
"Jabal had nodded to me with a grin on his face when he saw me. The Queen must have been aware that I was there as well, but she gave no notice of it as she engulfed Jabal's cock. I still remembered my first taste of the goddess' nectar when I kneeled by the bed on the floor and joined Ina licking her pink wetness. I remember how our tongues intertwined sometimes as we lapped up her nectar and how we had took turns tongue-fucking her divine channel.
"I moved my tongue up to her puckered little ring and swirled it around and around. She had moaned audibly when I started tonguing her ass and at the same moment Ina abandoned trying to pleasure and be pleased simultaneously and gave herself over to the orgasm that shook her body under the expert fingers of Goddess Yanara. Helping Ina to roll out from underneath the Queen and thus out of the way, I then took over pleasuring the Queen. With one hand on each of her soft cheeks, I moved my face into her sex and began to suck as much as possible of her engorged clit into my mouth again and again. When I had her little button in my mouth I used my tongue to caress it before letting it slid out between my lips. But only for a moment; I had her back in my mouth in the next instant. I knew I had the right approach because she started to thrust back into my face and rotate her hips...
"Do you like my story so far?" Gaelin asked interrupting himself and stopping.
Chandra's face was flushed with excitement and she grabbed Gaelin's hand. "Yes very much..." she replied.
"Please keep going." she continued.
Gaelin smiled and they resumed walking hand in hand.
"It did not take long before the goddess’ orgasm overwhelmed her. I remember hearing her moan with Jabal's cock in her mouth. Still licking her clit, but more gently now, I then heard Jabal begin to breathe heavily and I knew he was filling Goddess Yanara’s mouth with his cream.
"Only a few moments later the Goddess rolled onto her side and then onto her back. Jabal collapsed next to Ina with his arm around her as they both recovered. I stood from my kneeling position, cock fully erect, staring down at the Goddess and suddenly aware of the wild look in her eyes as she stared back at me. That is one thing you have to get used to about the Queen. Her passionate gaze is unreal. I remember noticing that she had not quite managed to swallow all of Jabal's offering; some of it had leaked out of her mouth and splashed onto her right breast.
"Still looking in her eyes, I leaned over and began to lick up the cream and then gently suck on her nipple. I continued to lick up the few drops that were on her chest before licking at the corner of her mouth and chin where his seed had fallen out of her mouth..."
Gaelin paused when he felt Chandra begin to move his hand with her own, almost involuntarily, down between her legs. Leaning against a column in the deserted hallway he began to finger her crotch and noticed with excitement the dampness.
"That really turns you on doesn't it?" he asked softly
"Oh yes... When I began my training two years ago, one of my first experiences was with two men. We spent the night pleasuring each other. It was amazing."
She spoke with a far away look in her eyes.
"Do you enjoy the taste of men?" she asked looking up at him.
"Well... Gaelin laughed, "I suppose it's an acquired taste. I actually would rather be with a woman any day, but in a group situation I find it really hot when everyone is pleasing everyone."
"Yes..." Chandra breathed deeply, "me too."
"So you like the taste of women?" Gaelin returned the question.
"It's an acquired taste," she laughed. "But yes. I do enjoy it."
She paused an then continued with an impish grin, "Anina is yummy."
"Now that's a story I would like to hear." Gaelin said with a quick laugh.
"But we need to keep moving and I need to finish my story."
They started off again, snuggled up closer to each other as they walked.
"Now where was I... Oh right, I licked Goddess Yanara’s lips and chin clean. If possible the passion in Yanara’s eyes became even more fiery after I had licked her clean. Now inches from her face I heard her breathe out a simple phrase: 'fuck me.'
"I acted instantly. I was on stop of her in seconds and had plunged inside. We both came within moments of our union. Our breathy moans mingled as we both felt the instant of intense pleasure overwhelm us. I still remember to this day what it felt like to empty myself into her silky wetness with repeated warm gushes.
"We lay for a few moments lingering in the afterglow. But I felt her suddenly stir and shift her head. I propped himself up only to see that same look of insatiable lust in her eyes again.
"'Lick me.' she had said with a seductive smile
"I understood what she wanted and why. She was turned on by the thought that I had deliberately cleaned her before and now she wanted it again. Withdrawing from her, I kissed down her body until I was once again between her legs. I licked gently up through her creamy slit tasting myself mingled with her juices. I avoided her clit for the moment, knowing how sensitive it would be, but nibbled on her lips and lapped up the creamy nectar. I felt Ina moving in next to me. I slid over and spread the goddess’ legs wider, and the two of us continued to lick our Queen clean. Our tongues flirted with each other as before, and between the two of us Goddess Yanara was soon building towards an orgasm again. She put a hand on each of our heads as her breathing became more insistent, and within moments, she cried out with pleasure when her orgasm flashed through her body.
"We spent the rest of the afternoon there: kissing, licking, tonguing, sucking, fucking, resting and starting over again. By the time the Queen had finally dismissed me I was drained and exhausted. I suspect I'll be feeling that way again in a few hours." They were now approaching the Queen's quarters. They paused when they reached the entrance. Two attendants stood outside. Several layers of brightly colored tapestries veiled the entrance to the sacred abode.
Gaelin looked down at Chandra.
"Ready?" He asked with a smile, his arm still around her waist.
"Yes" she equally said with a smile. "Anina told me that you would make me feel relaxed and put me in the mood. She was right."
Gaelin chuckled. "Well she knows me pretty well by now."
Gaelin guided her towards the entrance. The two attendants pulled back the heavy outer tapestry. One of them smirked a little as they entered.
"He's just jealous," Gaelin whispered to Chandra loudly as they passed through.
They passed crawling on their knees through several more curtains of shimmering silk before they were in the chamber.
Sights, sounds and smells assaulted their senses at once. Incense wafted up from burners at the corners of the room. Candles and afternoon sunlight subdued by silk curtains gave the room a soft light that illuminated the men and women pleasuring each other around the room. If the sight of them did not reveal their pleasure then their sighs and moans certainly did.
They both saw several people on the Queen’s large sleeping mat: hands sliding over smooth naked flesh, lips pressed to lips and to nipples, tongues teasing the little nob of pleasure on a woman or the underside of a large cock. Involuntarily Chandra's hands went into her panties and began to rub her sex as she noticed two other groups in the room equally pleasuring each other. To the left of the goddess and her entourage were two women and a man locked in a circle of oral pleasure. To the right a man and a woman were on a couch. He was seated and she was kneeling next to him. His mouth had engulfed one of her tits that she had held out to him. Her head was thrown back in pleasure as he forcefully sucked on her nipple and areola.
"Well... shall we join them?"
Gaelin's question and his hands on her collar snapped Chandra out of her voyeurism. She nodded as he lifted her collar off her head. His hands went to her hips and her panties soon hit the floor. She turned to look at Gaelin and noticed that he was already naked. Tall and lean, he stood with his long erect penis at full attention and with a smile on his face. Chandra knew that he was taking her in; his eyes wandered hungrily over her petite body. Chandra smiled and spread her arms for him to see her in all of her glory. She was proud of her body: proud of her perky breasts and her pointy nipples, proud of the patch of dark hair that she had shaved and trimmed with Anina's help that morning, and proud of her shapely legs and bottom. She began to spin slowly around to give him a view of her backside, remembering what Anina had said about Gaelin's interest in that part especially.
"Stop." Gaelin said when she had her back to him. She leaned forward against the columns she was standing next to and pushed out her round ass.
Gaelin began running his hands over her tight smooth cheeks. But as always touch was not enough for his insatiable appetite. He was soon crouched down behind her running his lips over the two halves of her bottom when he was not planting kisses.
When Chandra felt his tongue begin to slid down between her cheeks she sighed with pleasure and leaned the side of her face against the cool marble of the column to watch the action around her. She suddenly felt Gaelin's tongue swirling around and around the sensitive ring of her anus. She shivered with pleasure. She pushed her ass further into his face when she felt the tip of his tongue probe just inside her little pucker.
It ended all too quickly. She felt Gaelin kissing his way up her back and sliding his hands up he stomach. She leaned back against him as his hands found their way onto her tits, and she felt his manhood pressed into the small of her back.
"So can we join them now or are you going to keep distracting me?" Chandra spoke first.
"Hmmm.... I don't remember hearing you complain about my attention. OK, since you insist. But you have to decide where we should go." Gaelin said as he kissed her lips.
"I think Jabal's cock needs attention." Chandra said grabbing Gaelin's hand and leading him over to the couch.
That little story about his bi-sexuality had obviously turned her on Gaelin mused to himself. He had to admit, though, that it had crossed his mind to join Jabal and Ina on the couch. Jabal was a good comrade in this life they lived together and more than once they had done each other during these afternoon trysts. Gaelin found it made him pretty hot to take turns sucking a cock with a woman and sharing the guy's cream. Both he and Jabal were very aware, of course, that this was often a huge turn on for the women involved as well. So there was an ulterior motive beyond helping each other out, he thought with a smile.
And that is why he was particularly interested in heading to the couch: he knew it would get not only Chandra but also Ina really hot and bothered. Ina was a full-figured beauty and she looked like the very image of the earth mother: large breasts and the largest protruding nipples he had ever had sucked, a well fed belly that was so fun to lay on when fucking her, wide hips and a plump round ass. One more than one occasion Gaelin had buried his face and then his cock between those heavenly cheeks. He suspected that Goddess Yanara liked her around because in her person she was the counterpoint to the patriarchy that had come to dominate Egyptian, Babylonian, Hittite and even Greek civilization. She was a priestess of the mother goddess (Isis) and looked like the goddess herself. She carried herself with a confidence that dripped sensuality and eroticism: a confidence that really unnerved men like Senemet. She represented the ancient and mystical power of women: bringing men to their knees with desire for what lay between her legs and bringing new life into the world from the same place.
Thinking of all this quickly as he let Chandra lead him over to the couple, Gaelin smiled when he heard Ina murmuring incantations of pleasure as Jabal sucked forcefully on her tits. Suddenly looking over at them as they neared, Ina smiled at Chandra and then gave Gaelin a saucy look followed by a quick friendly wink. He smiled and winked back as they lowered themselves to their knees in front of Jabal.
Chandra reached out both hands for his cock and began to rub it up and down. Jabal broke away for a moment to look down at us with a grin.
"Oh yeah..." he sighed with pleasure.
Ina pulled his face towards her own for a passionate kiss. Chandra removed one of her hands and lowered her mouth onto the head of his cock. She sucked deeply for a moment before releasing him. Gaelin then grabbed the shaft and used his tongue on the sensitive underside of his cock head. He moved his tongue as rapidly as he could back and forth over this sensitive area; he knew from experience that Jabal loved this as he did himself. Then he also lowered his lips over the head while continuing to keep his tongue active on the its underside. He heard Jabal moan with pleasure again as he took him deeper and then slowly sucked him off.
Chandra took over from him again and began to use her tongue and lips with wild abandon, turned on by having watched Gaelin sucking on Jabal's rod. Gaelin watched for a moment before looking up at Ina. She was looking down at him and Chandra with wild lust in her eyes. Gaelin winked at her again and patted her ass.
"I want you this afternoon, babe." He mouthed the words to her. She understood perfectly well and blew him a kiss.
Returning to help Chandra, Gaelin joined her in running his tongue up and down his cock. Their tongues would meet or they would kiss around the sensitive cock head as they worked at milking him for his cream.
And so it's begun, Gaelin thought to himself...
Anina walked the deserted hall to Goddess Yanara’s apartment. In the middle of the afternoon most people were resting, and, supposedly, the goddes of Egypt was 'resting' as well. It had been a busy afternoon for her since leaving Gaelin after lunch. The Queen often relied on her to get the new participants ready for the activities in the sacred bedroom. So after getting Chandra ready and sending her to Gaelin, she was finally able to take of herself. She had bathed, did her hair and dressed. She was ready and she needed what was to come. It was always so pleasurable to give herself over to the frenzy of lust that she knew she would encounter in moments. It was such a release.
When she arrived at the entrance the attendant said with mock respect that it had taken her long enough. Anina ignored him. She passed through the heavy outer curtains and then through the layers of sheer silk that lined the doorway. From the sounds in the room she could already tell that the Queen was entertaining more than her usual three or four lovers. Moans and sighs of pleasure filled her ears as she came into a position to see the chamber of Egypt's goddess.
What she saw surprised her: Anina counted twelve men and women around the room. In fact, she saw exactly what Chandra and Gaelin had seen a few minutes earlier. A cluster of two men and three women, including the Queen, were piled on her sleeping mat on its raised platform. Just to the left of the Queen and her lovers a man and two women, all Phoenicians, were pleasuring each other on a mat on the floor. To the right of the Queen's bed on a platform slightly lower than the bed Jabal sat on a reclining couch with a young couple kneeling before him taking turns with his cock. She noticed that he was in turn fondling and sucking on the tits of Mother Ina.
Taking in all of this in a few seconds, Anina could already feel the wetness between her legs and her face flushing with excitement. It was not so much the sight of the bodies around her that excited her as it was the spirit of what she was witnessing. Everyone was shamelessly naked, everyone was offering and receiving pleasure, and everyone was audibly expressing their delight with murmurs, sighs and groans. She never tired of it. Leaning her shoulder against a column, she slid her hand down her belly, under her skirt and through her curls to her wet slit. Slowly fingering her clit, Anina observed the ecstasy around her more closely.
The Queen was kneeling upright on her bed cupping her breasts with her hands to make her large dark areolas and nipples more accessible to the man and woman kneeling in front of her. Anina recognized them as Kalon and Phoebe, a Greek couple the Queen enjoyed having around. She could see them sucking vigorously on her nipples: Kalon taking as much of her breast as possible into his mouth and then slowly pulling away while his consort was swirling her tongue around her nipple between giving it powerful sucks.
Throwing her head back with pleasure the Queen murmured something Anina could not hear. She was obviously pleased with these two slaves worshiping her tits. Raising Phoebe's head in the act of licking her nipple, the Queen met her tongue with her own and allowed their tongues to tease each other before giving her a passionate kiss. Pulling away the Queen grabbed one of Phoebe's breasts and began to pull and twist her nipple as she used her other hand to raise Kalon's lips to her own. While kissing him she moved her right hand up to the face of the woman and guided her into a three way kiss, their tongues meeting in and out of each other's mouths.
While they were kissing the Queen had been holding both in her arms and began to rub her hands up and down their backs and down over their bottoms. She moved her left hand around to Kalon's cock as she pulled away from the kiss. Anina could see that she was stroking his manhood while muttering something that caused Phoebe to laugh briefly and Kalon to grin broadly. Goddess Yanara guided Phoebe's head down to his waiting cock. Anina could see the pleasure on Kalon's face as the warm wet mouth enveloped him. The Queen kept her hand on Phoebe's head and then slowly slid it down her back to her cheeks and then down between them. From her vantage point Anina could see the Queen rubbing her fingers down into her dark pink wetness and back up her crack spreading her juices. Probably hearing the muffled moans of Phoebe as she sucked her companion's cock, the Queen gazed with a smile at the woman's bobbing head while she brought her fingers to her mouth to taste her juices.
Anina's own fingers were sopping wet and she began to rub her self more urgently. It was only then that she took in the larger scene on the bed. She had been so focused on the three closest to her that she had failed to notice that the Queen was moving her hips over a face situated between her legs. Shifting her position slightly she realized it was a man lying on his back with his hands on the Queens's hips and his tongue and lips relishing the taste of his goddess. Realizing that it was Thutmose, Anina knew exactly what he was experiencing: she knew the taste of the goddess of Egypt and the abundance of juices that flowed from her. She could imagine his face was dripping with her nectar as Yanara rubbed herself back and forth across his mouth.
Now Anina also noticed that Neferti, another Egyptian favorite of the Queen, was sucking on the large meaty cock of Thutmose as he ate the goddess of Egypt. Everyone called her Nefie. Rising from her crouched position she mounted him. Crying out audibly as her body received his fullness, she put her hands on the Queen's shoulders to balance herself. Anina inserted her own fingers deep inside herself when she saw the woman begin to raise and lower herself on his cock. Feeling the hands on her shoulders, the Queen turned her head and smiled as Nefie began to moan and close her eyes. Anina could tell that the Queen too was enjoying the sight and, knowing her goddess as she did, she could only imagine that divine juices were running down over the face of the slave between her legs.
Turning back the Queen watched Phoebe sucking on Kalon's cock for a moment before turning to her left to watch the action on the couch. Anina could see from her face that she was not only delighted with the sights and sounds around her but that she was also getting close to cuming.
It was only then that Anina realized that Gaelin and Chandra were the couple who were kneeling and sharing Jabal's cock between them. She watched Gaelin sucking off Jabal's rod with gusto and noticed the awe and raw lust on the face of Chandra as she watched Gaelin. After sucking him off one last time, Gaelin said something to Chandra that Anina did not catch but she soon understood. Standing up Chandra climbed into Jabal's lap and impaled herself on his waiting cock.
Anina heard both Jabal and Chandra cry out with breathy voices as his fullness slid deep inside her tight wet sheath. Ina smiled at their pleasure and ran her hand up and down Chandra's back. She pushed Chandra forward into Jabal when she noticed that Gaelin had his hands on Chandra's ass and was running his tongue up and down her crack as she moved up and down on Gaelin's tool. Anina smiled to herself watching him enjoying Chandra's bottom. He truly is insatiable she thought.
Ina was equally enjoying the sight and she quickly scrambled off the couch and down to the floor next to Gaelin. Joining him for a moment by kissing the firm ass cheeks of this Indian princess, she then guided his face away from Chandra's ass and to her lips. Gaelin gave himself over to the kiss and ran his hands over the voluptuous body of Ina. He squeezed and fondled both of her heavy breasts as he tongue kissed this priestess.
"You make me so hot..." Ina moaned between kisses.
Gaelin moved his hands to her back and then down to her ass cheeks. Ina's hands had fallen down to his manhood and were gently stroking up and down. With his hands back on her tits, pulling and twisting her nipples and then playing with the fullness of her breasts, Gaelin kissed her again. Gaelin, like most men, found Ina irresistible. He was not one to believe in magic, but there was something mystical about her charms that made her so enticing.
"Some time this afternoon, mother Ina, I'm going to drink your juices and then fill you with my own..."
"Hmmm ... mmmm," Ina egged him on as he talked.
"... and you're going to love every minute of it." Gaelin continued.
They were interrupted by the sound of Chandra's orgasm. It had not taken her long, less than a minute really, before Jabal's thrusting took her over the edge. Her orgasm flooded her senses and she collapsed against him gasping and whimpering. Jabal gently lowered her to the couch beside him thinking that she had probably had enough for the moment. He was hoping that he would get help elsewhere and he was not disappointed.
When Gaelin and Ina saw Chandra fall to the couch they both leaped at Jabal's waiting cock. They both began to lick up his shaft, relishing the taste of Chandra's sweet juices that coated his manhood. Ina sucked him first, expertly using her tongue and lips to carry him closer and closer to shooting out his cream.
Meanwhile, Anina had had enough voyeurism. Watching Chandra overcome with pleasure had really caused her juices to flow. She stripped off her clothes and began to walk over to them, drawn by the her own desire to join with this group pleasuring each other. As she walked over she noticed with interest that Chandra was not quite done yet. She had propped herself up with one arm and was watching Ina and Gaelin sucking on the cock that had been so recently buried inside her. With her other hand she was pleasuring herself. She had always been multi orgasmic and she was already building towards another intense wave as she fingered clit.
Anina decided to help her out. Walking towards her, the tall Nubian princess caught the attention of Chandra who looked up as she approached. Chandra understood instantly what was to come and spread her legs wide for her new friend. Anina lowered herself to her knees and tongue kissed Chandra full on the mouth. Chandra responded. Only that afternoon they had spent an hour of pure lust after Anina had helped her shave, and Chandra was certainly ready to give herself over to her mistress once again.
Moving her face down quickly to her soaking wet slit, Anina went to work with her tongue. She licked slowly up through her slit and then down again. She loved the taste of her sweet juices and they were certainly flowing freely right now as Chandra watched Gaelin and Ina suck on Jabal's cock. Continuing to lick up and down her slit, Anina pushed Chandra's legs back toward her chest so she had better access to her. Now she began to run her tongue from her clit to her anus and back. She could feel her tight little pucker quivering as she ran her tongue over it. Knowing how much she enjoyed this, Anina paused to give her more. She swirled her tongue around and around her rosebud until Chandra began to moan with pleasure.
"Yes... keep going... going to cum" she gasped.
Anina had brought her to orgasm this way already today so she know Chandra loved having her ass licked as much as Anina enjoyed it. Anina continued to use her tongue on the tight circle while she moved the thumb and finger of her right hand up to her clit. As her tongue began to probe ever so lightly into her tight ring her finger and thumb pulled and rubbed at her swollen little nub. Anina pushed her tongue in a little deeper with each thrust until she was tongue fucking her ass with gusto. After a few seconds of his she covered her anus with the flat part of her tongue and pressed firmly while moving it back and forth slightly.
Chandra was over the edge now and Anina could feel the beginning of the spasms of her orgasm under her tongue even before she heard her cry out with pleasure. She licked up slowly from her anus to her swollen lips and gently massaged them with her lips and tongue. Chandra lay back gasping with her eyes closed, seemingly content for a while.
But Anina was far from content. She was still dripping and she wanted more. Kneeling she turned back to look at the action on the bed and what she saw only fed her lust.
The Queen was moaning with pleasure as Thutmose's tongue finally sent her over the edge. Pushing Phoebe out of the way, she stuffed Kalon's cock into her mouth as the remnants of her orgasm continued to shake her. Phoebe watched her mistress sucking on his cock and knew very well that he was close. She moved back over to Kalon and kissed him full on the mouth. Their tongues penetrated deep into each others mouths. Kalon's let his hands roam over her tits as they kissed. While he was pulling and twisting her pink nipples, he began to thrust lightly into the mouth of Goddess Yanara. He looked into Phoebe's eyes and knew that she could see how close he was.
The Queen suddenly pulled off his cock and barked an order to Phoebe: "finish him."
She pushed Phoebe onto all fours. Kalon did not need any encouragement. He lowered his face into her sex and licked up and down her slit and between her tight cheeks. He loved how she tasted and he had tasted her so often. Her juices began to coat his tongue and his lips. Phoebe moaned and shook her hips.
"She's wet enough. Just fuck her" the Queen commanded.
Kalon was inside her in moments. He slid in and out of her tight wet channel and enjoyed the feeling of her ass pushing back against him. Phoebe loved being taken from behind and Goddess Yanara knew it. The Queen watched the two of them with obvious pleasure. At the same moment when Kalon and Phoebe began to move rhythmically Nefie's breathing got more intense and a high pitched cry escaped from her lips as her orgasm spread across her body from the point at which her body had been joined with Thutmose. As Goddess Yanara turned just in time to watch Nefie collapse and then roll off of Thutmose and on to her side. With her eyes closed, Nefie breathed and lay recovering.
Thutmose, on the other hand, had held himself back with great difficulty. He was unsure how his goddess would wish to use him next. Like all good Egyptians, he had from his childhood been raised to think of himself as living for the service of the goddess of Egypt. And so he rolled over onto his belly, pulled himself to his knees and found himself looking the eyes of Goddess Yanara. For a moment at least, her eyes were soon gazing hungrily at his body and at his erect cock straining for release and coated with Nefie's juices.
Without a word Goddess Yanara turned on her hands and knees so that her ass and slit were fully exposed to Thutmose. She moved forward until she was kissing Phoebe's ass as Kalon continued to thrust into her. Thutmose knew this was an invitation, and he did not need a verbal reminder. Moving forward he pushed his way slowly and deeply into the divine channel of his goddess. Thutomse and Kalon's eyes met and they grinned at each other for a second. Thrusting into the women they were getting even more aroused watching Goddess Yanara licking and kissing Phoebe's ass. Kalon leaned back as much as possible to make room for the Queen, and, after scooting forward a few inches, she was soon running her tongue down Phoebe's ass and flicking her tongue around her tight cute hole.
Ina's voice jarred Anina away from watching the scene on the bed.
"Oooh... yeah baby. Suck him... he's going to cum."
She turned back to watch Gaelin sucking Jabal's rod and Ina egging him on. It made her so hot to watch, and as she crawled over to them she saw that Ina was right, Jabal was just about to let himself go. When she reached her two friends and had pressed her tits up against Gaelin's back and put a hand on Ina's shoulder, she heard Jabal's breathing change. Looking up she saw his eyes close and his mouth hang slightly ajar.
Gaelin had read all the signs too. He got a charge of desire when he felt Anina lean her tits into his back and moments later he felt a thick shot of Jabal's cream shoot into his mouth. He quickly pulled off and made room for Ina whose open mouth took one shot of his cream and then another shot once she had closed her mouth over his cock. She gently sucked him off for a few more seconds, milking his cream from him before releasing him. He had practically passed out, and lay back breathing heavily with his eyes closed.
As soon as she had pulled off of Jabal, Ina had turned to kiss Anina and Gaelin had shifted around to do the same. Soon they were enjoying a three way kiss and were sharing the mouthfuls that Jabal had given them. When Ina and Gaelin paired off into a passionate kiss, Anina lowered her mouth to Ina's left breast and began to lick and suck at her large nipple. Aware of this, Gaelin broke away from the kiss and was soon giving her right breast the same treatment. Ina sighed with obvious pleasure and cupped each breast for her friends as they licked and sucked at her nipples. When she felt hands moving down her belly and abdomen, she spread her legs open wide and soon felt massaging fingers buried in her sex.
"Oh my dears..." she moaned softly.
Slowly rising to her feet so that he two lovers could follow her up, Ina led Gaelin and Anina to a pile of cushions near by so they could get more comfortable. Once there, they collapsed into a pile of caressing hands and kissing mouths and licking tongues. After a few moments of this free for all of touching and kissing and licking, Ina moved Anina onto her back and began to kiss her way down from her lips to her right tit. She looked up at Gaelin and spoke in soft voice,
"Let's do her... She needs it bad and she deserves it."
Gaelin smiled and moved into give Anina a soft kiss on the lips while Ina sucked on her nipple. He then moved down to join her at the other breast and for several minutes they made love to Anina's beautiful tits while their hands played with her curls and occasionally brushed against her clit or her silky pink flesh.
Anina moaned with pleasure as she felt mouths and hands on her body. With one mouth still on her nipples she felt another move down her belly to her vulva. Suddenly aware that she was kissing Ina she knew it was Gaelin's tongue that was teasing her clit. She spread her legs wide for him and he spread them wider with one hand on each thigh.
"He's good, isn't he?' Ina whispered into her ear.
Anina could only gasp in reply when he felt Gaelin's tongue working its magic on her. Ina was lying beside her and gently shifted Anina so that she was lying on her side. Gaelin took it in stride and continued to lick his way up and down her juicy slit. He absolutely loved how she tasted, and he never tired of lapping up her juices. Ina raised Anina's right leg and wiggled her way down until she was lying next to Gaelin with her face inches from his. Letting Gaelin have Anina's clit for the moment, Ina began to run her tongue up and down between the full mounds of her ass. Ina loved doing this to Anina because she knew how much the Nubian princess enjoyed it. She flicked her tongue around and around her anus with Anina's leg now propped up on her body.
Feeling a tongue on her anus and her clit was almost too much for Anina. She gasped and moaned with pleasure, building to what she knew would be one of several deep orgasms. She didn't even try to hold back but let herself go quickly. She shuddered and called out her lovers' names in turn as she felt the release of that moment wash over her body.
Gaelin move away from her clit, knowing how sensitive she would be for the moment, but continued to run his tongue around her sex. Ina, however, stayed right where she was and continued to swirl her tongue around and around her anus. Ina knew that if she kept this up and if Gaelin continued to lick her gently that Anina would be building again in no time. And soon she was.
"Oh god..." she murmured. "again... yes, again."
But she wanted to give pleasure this time and not just receive it. She put two fingers in her mouth and sucked on them. She began to call out Ina's name softly until the priestess roused herself from between her cheeks and looked up at her.
"I want you." Anina said simply.
Ina smiled and crawled up to her. She kissed her and was surprised at the passionate response of Anina. This woman was practically possessed with desire.
"I want to taste you." Anina said more insistently this time.
Ina smiled and moved her body into a sixty-nine position. She lowered her sex onto Anina's face. She hovered above the princess and moved herself back and forth along her tongue. Anina lapped hungrily at her juices and spread them from her anus to her clit. Ina finally settled her clit over Anina's lips and tongue and lowered herself down so that her face was once again inches from Gaelin who was still sucking on Anina's clit.
"Since you've been such a good boy today, Mother Ina will let you lick her ass." Ina whispered the words in Gaelin's ear.
Gaelin looked up at Ina and kissed her so that she could taste Anina's juices on his lips.
"And anyway, it's my turn to eat our princess."
Gaelin moved away and watched Ina lower her mouth and tongue onto Anina's clit. They were soon both moaning with pleasure as they wiggled their hips and ground their mounds into each others mouths and tongues.
Gaelin moved around to the other side of the couple and settled down at Anina's head. He watched in awe as she licked and sucked at the vulva hovering in easy reach of her lips and tongue. Her face was glistening with Ina's juices already. And here right in front of his face was Mother Ina's round plump ass. It was a beautiful sight. Her cheeks were silky smooth and wonderful to touch. He ran his hands all around the mounds of flesh and began to plant soft kisses on both cheeks. After covering every inch of her mounds with soft kisses, he began to run his tongue down from the small of her back down through the two mounds. He had to push his face between her cheeks by the time his tongue had reached her reddish brown starburst.
After swishing his tongue back and forth a few times across her anus he pulled back to watch Anina sucking Ina's clit. He was surprised to find that she had paused momentarily also and was looking up at him. They grinned with their eyes meeting for a second before they went back to pleasuring their friend Ina. They had learned to enjoy and derive great satisfaction from making love to another as a team, and they enjoyed nothing better than doing Ina together.
After the momentary pause they were back at it. Gaelin watched the Nubian beauty suck in as much of Ina's sex as she could repeatedly using quick short sucks. Gaelin smiled when he heard Ina moan into Anina's own sex and leaned forward again to give Mother Ina a double dose.
Using his hands he pushed apart Ina's cheeks until he had fully exposed her cute little anus. He plunged in with his tongue and soon felt her moving her hips rhythmically against his face. His tongue danced across her tight hole with little flicks – he knew how much that drove her crazy. He also knew that she loved having him flatten his tongue around her ring and move it as rapidly as possible back and forth or swirling around and around with his tongue never losing contact with her skin. When he started this and with Anina already using her tongue rapidly on her clit she began to moan loudly and finally raise her head from between Anina's legs.
"Lick me... Oh goddess above... more... do me more."
She was practically shouting by now. Mother Ina was ashamed of nothing when it came to her own pleasure or the pleasure of others. Gaelin knew that she would certainly attract the attention of the Queen. That kind of expression was like an open invitation to the goddess of Egypt.
For the moment, however, the Queen was still very involved with the action on the bed. She had heard Ina crying out, and hearing Mother Ina in heat had only increased her own frenzy. She knew that Phoebe and Kalon and Thutmose were all close to coming. While continuing to lap at Phoebe's tight little hole, she heard her breathing deepen and felt the spasms under her tongue. She pulled away to watch Phoebe and then, almost at the same moment, she watched Kalon's face change with his breathing. His eyes closed and he moaned softly as he emptied himself into Phoebe. They both collapsed down with Kalon resting lightly on top of Phoebe and supporting himself with his elbows.
Meanwhile she knew Thutmose was close to shooting his own cream inside her. As his breathing began to change and she felt him thrusting more forcefully in and out of her body, she looked over the action on the cushions. She felt her juices begin to flow as she watched Anina and Ina locked in their sixty nine and Gaelin licking and tonguing Ina's ass. This new slippery warmth, combined with Goddess Yanara moving back against his body, triggered Thutmose. He shot his load into her body with a groan and as he called out her name. Within moments, the Queen had let her self go as her second orgasm of the afternoon overwhelmed her.
The Queen pulled off of Thutmose after a few more moments and kissed the spent and happy Egyptian full on the mouth. She cupped his head in her hands and kissed him again on the forehead to let him know how satisfied she was with him. He lay back with his head resting against one of Nefie's thighs who shifted position slightly to make room for him. Nefie reached down to run her fingers through his hair, as they watched the Queen move from her bed to the group on the cushions.
"She really is insatiable, isn't she?" Nefie murmured to Thutmose.
"Fortunately for us." Thutmose said quietly.
And at this point, the trio on the cushions were too intent on each other to even notice that the Queen was moving towards them let alone the action that she had been enjoying on her bed. Goddess Yanara knelt next to Gaelin who was still lapping away at Ina's luscious ass while Anina sucked on her clit. Ina herself was moaning with pleasure and gyrating her hips wildly. They had already made her cum once, and now they were pushing her towards a second orgasm.
Gaelin was startled to hear a whispering voice in his ear.
"Fuck her."
He knew who it was without even looking. Smiling, he turned to see the Queen looking at him intently. She reached over and kissed him, an arm around his shoulders. Kneeling up right he moved into position while Anina, aware of what was happening, pulled Ina lower. Gaelin plunged inside of Ina with one stroke. The priestess cried out once again.
"Yes... Fuck me!" She cried with gusto.
While Anina scooted into a better position to continue to suck on Ina's clit, Gaelin began to slide in and out of her tight wet channel. It felt amazing and Gaelin knew he would not last long.
"You feel so good" he moaned as he began to move a little faster.
Ina responded to the intense pleasure she was feeling from both of her lovers by clamping her lips on Anina's clit and forcefully and vocally sucking on her friend. He heard Anina respond in kind to the sensations she was feeling. Gaelin knew that the three of them were all very close and would probably cum within moments of each other.
At that moment he noticed Jabal crouching down between Anina's legs as he joined Ina in pleasuring Anina. Just before he lost sight of him, Gaelin saw him licking down much lower and he realized that he was probably swirling his tongue around Anina's rosebud. He lost sight of Jabal because only a few seconds after he had crouched down Chandra was suddenly in his face. She was standing, straddling her legs around Ina's body, and had bent over to kiss him on the mouth. They had both obviously recovered and did not want to be left out of this action.
Chandra soon had smashed one of her tits into his face. He sucked forcefully on it and was aware that the Queen, right next to him, was sucking on her other tit. The Queen soon stood up and pulled Chandra up as well. At that moment several things happened. Ina started vocalizing her orgasm with loud breathy sighs. Anina, too, was breathing loudly as she felt two tongues working on her. Just as suddenly as she had appeared Chandra disappeared to be replaced with the Queen who was suddenly standing in front of him.
With her legs straddling Ina's body, the Queen had positioned herself so that Gaelin was staring directly into her sex which was still creamy with Thutmose's juice. Reaching down she grabbed Gaelin's head and guided his lips and tongue into her.
This was almost too much for Gaelin. This woman was so hot! He began to lick up her slit and spread the mingling of her cream and juices around her vulva. She started thrusting into his face even as he continued to thrust into Ina. It didn't take the Queen long to climax and by that time she had Gaelin's mouth was coated with her juices and Thutmose's seed. Breathing heavily, Goddess Yanara bent over and kissed him passionately and licked his lips. And by that time, Gaelin was doing his own heavy breathing. He could hear Anina moaning underneath him and then her breathing change in a way that he recognized very well. He could not see her face, but he could imagine her eyes closing and her breath coming out in short gasps as she came. A moment later his deep slow thrusting had brought Ina to a second orgasm. Her cries of pleasure sent a chill through Gaelin, and it was this, more than anything, that sent him over the edge.
As the Queen stared intently into his eyes only inches from his face, Gaelin let himself go. With effort, he returned the gaze of his goddess while he exploded deep inside of Ina. Goddess Yanara smiled at him as his breath came in ragged bursts and his eyes got a far away look in them even as he locked eyes with her.
Finally, his head collapsed against her neck and he felt drained. Ina and Anina underneath him were already recovering and he could tell that Ina was ready to shift from her being on all fours. The Queen released him with a kiss on his forehead and Gaelin and his two lovers collapsed into a heap together.
The Queen, of course, was far from finished. Drowsing for a few minutes snuggled between Ina and Anina, who were both contentedly half asleep, Gaelin now he propped himself up when he heard Chandra sigh with pleasure.
Goddess Yanara had Jabal lying on his back on some nearby cushions and Chandra sitting on his face. With Jabal lapping up her juices, Chandra held her breasts out for Goddess Yanara to suck. The goddess of Egypt herself had already lowered herself onto Jabal's rod and was moving up and down slowly on it. Chandra let out another sigh of pleasure and he heard the Queen moan into one of her tits.
Hearing a giggle from the Queen’s bed, Gaelin turned his head and grinned. Phoebe was always so playful, and this afternoon was no exception. She and Nefie had talked Kalon and Thutmose into facing each other on their knees, cock to cock. Nefie and Phoebe were using their hands to keep the cocks rubbing each other as the two guys moved back and forth against each other. Kalon was facing him, and Gaelin could see the pleasure on his face. It was fun to do, Gaelin, thought to himself, especially when there were two ladies involved as well.
He kept watching with more interest when he saw Nefie and Phoebe lower their faces two the two rods rubbing against each other. Each keeping a hand on their rods to keep them in place, they began to use their tongues to enhance the pleasure their lovers were experiencing. And the enhancing worked like a charm. From his vantage point he could see Kalon's eyes close and his mouth open while he could also see Thutmose's back arch. A second later he heard Phoebe giggle again and he could imagine that the two ladies were lapping up the cream that had spurted out from Thutmose and Kalon. Both soon raised themselves up and kissed their lovers full on the mouth, giving them a taste of the mingled juices. Phoebe really is a hot little number, Gaelin thought, as he watched her lick some of the cream from her hand and kiss Kalon passionately. Turning form the two men, now spent and lounging on the bed, Phoebe and Nefie began to kiss each other and tease each other with their tongues. They were just getting warmed up.
But Gaelin suddenly turned back to watch Jabal and Chandra and the Queen when he heard Chandra sigh deeply several times. She fell forward into the arms of the Queen as an orgasm overwhelmed her again. Rolling off to the side after a moment she left Jabal and the Queen looking at each other. Lowering herself to lick some of Chandra's juices off of his cheek, the Queen whispered something into Jabal's ear.
Jabal did not need any more encouragement. He began to thrust more vigorously into the Queen’s body as she moved up and down on him. Gaelin watched, mesmerized by the rhythmic movement of their bodies. He watched as the Queen, propped up on her elbows, ground her body into Jabal's. And he watched Jabal thrusting upwards into her while his hands rested on her ass, slid up her back and ran through her hair, and then back down to her ass. He watched as they moved together for a few minutes in this way, both building towards a climax and both looking in each other's eyes and then looking away. He watched the Queen’s fists clench and he heard her gasp as she lowered her head until she had her lips against his neck.
"Oh....yes...yes... Jabal" she murmured in a breathy voice as her orgasm flashed through her body from her fingers to her toes and everywhere between.
Only an instant later Jabal's own breathing grew ragged and he exploded deep inside her body. Gaelin watched as Jabal continued to thrust gently and slowly for a while after he had filled her, and then they both lay still. The Queen relaxed until she was resting fully on Jabal's body, and Jabal's hands slowly stroked her hair and her back.
Gaelin collapsed back between Ina and Anina. He felt spent just observing everything he had just seen. The two women snuggled over to him. Anina on his left put her hand on his chest while Ina lay close to him on her side and put her head on his shoulder. He could feel her full breasts against him as he lay there looking at the ceiling. It had been a good afternoon so far he thought. He smiled and repeated "so far' to himself, fully expecting that this orgy would continue for some time.
He opened his eyes with a start when he heard his name. He had not even realized he had been asleep, and, opening his eyes, he saw the Queen standing over him. She looked down at him with a smile and used her finger to beckon him. Gaelin again propped himself on his elbows and watched Goddess Yanara saunter away.
"What an ass" he murmured to himself as he watched her walk. He knew that the Queen was deliberately shaking it for him.
It was only then that he noticed that she was headed towards the Phoenician threesome. They were lying in a pile resting after their trysts. Gaelin had actually forgotten about them, although they were certainly not forgettable. Elissa, one of the three, was a spitfire. She was hungry and demanding and fun to be with, and Gaelin could see that the Queen thought the same. She had crouched down next to the short brunette, and grabbing her hand, had pulled her up into her arms and kissed her on the lips. Elissa responded quickly with a kiss of her own. Meanwhile, Goddess Yanara’s hands were already fondling Han's meaty cock, and Astra, a taller women with fuller figure, was rousing herself to join in the fun.
Gaelin got to his feet. He could feel his cock already beginning to swell as he watched with growing lust the scene before him. He walked over to them, ready for another round of pleasure with his goddess and his fellow slaves.