Wednesday 25 March 2015

slave training 12: Worshiping a Living Goddess

The living Goddess-Queen is a mystery to Her male slaves. What is Her age, is She eternal? Her origin and final fate are unknown. Inquiries into Divinity are blasphemy.

As soon as a male shows signs of being educable, he is inculcated in the worship of the Supreme Female. Young slave males are taught hymns. Not yet physically mature the youths spend their idle hours singing the praises of the Surpeme Goddess.

Coming of age, ready to begin service, the male’s heart is imbued with adoration of the Supreme Female. Whatever the task, a slave sings those songs of praise if only in his mind.

"Supreme Goddess, this humble slave worships You;
Divine Qyeen, this humble slave glorifies You,
Divine Majesty; thus humble slaves obeys You."

The lives of the servants the Supreme Goddess they exist to work and pray. There is no envy, strife or aggression. In contented harmony the males labor. Vacant hours are devoted to worship of the Supreme Female.

For most of these men, She is a distant Divinity. Only a few are needed to attend Her. Knowing Her slaves hunger, She periodically allows them to gather in mass services of adoration.

To be honest there is one sort of slave man who excites the envy of his fellows. On rare occasions, a man’s performance of some personal service earns the words “My favou
rite slave.”

The recipient will remember and treasure Her praise for the rest of his life.

La formation Slave 12 : Adoration de la Déesse Vivante

La Déesse-Reine  vivante est un mystère pour ses esclaves-mâles. Quel est son âge, est-elle éternelle? Son origine et sa  destinée  sont inconnus. Toute enquêtes sur la Divinité serait  un blasphème.
Dès qu'un homme parait éducable, il est destiné au culte de la Femme suprême. Des hymnes sont enseignés aux jeunes hommes-esclaves. Pas encore mûrs physiquement les jeunes passent leurs heures de repos à chanter les louanges de la Déesse Surpeme.
Lorsque c'est l'âge de prendre leur service, le cœur des hommes est déjà converti à l'adoration de la Femme suprême. Quelle que soit sa tâche, un esclave chante ces chants de louange, ne serait-ce que dans son esprit.
"Déesse suprême, cette humble esclave Vous adore,
Divine Reine , cet humble esclave Vous glorifie,
Divine Majesté; votre humble esclave vous obéit. "
La vie des serviteurs de la Déesse suprême consiste à travailler et à prier.Le travail des hommes se  déroule en parfaite harmonie, sans  jalousie, querelle ou agression. Les heures libres sont consacrées à l'adoration de la Femme suprême.
Pour la plupart de ces hommes, elle restera une Divinité lointaine. Seuls quelques-uns suffisent pour L'assister. Connaîssant  leur besoin de dévotion, elle leur permet de se recueillir régulièrement au cours de cérémonies d'adoration en groupe.
Pour être honnête, il est une sorte d'homme d'esclaves qui excite l'envie de ses compagnons. En de rares occasions, les qualités d'un homme pour un certain service personnalisé, lui valent d'être appelé "Mon esclave favori"
Le récipiendaire de ce titre se souviendra et savourera cette louange tout au long de sa vie.


  1. Your omnipotence knows no bounds.............Long live the divine goddess YANARA

  2. Anonymous.....if you are the Anonymous who writes the beautiful short stories?? I have to report that some readers are very enthousiastic and ask for more.

    1. yes its paul love to write you some more for your divine self

  3. the Supreme Goddess Yanara, tired of the refusal of the paternalistic nations adhering to the Abrahamic religions to worship the Sacred Feet of the Goddess, orders an invasion with total subjection of these nations to finally have total power over the whole world and sends the most powerful army of the history simultaneously and suddenly without declarations by preceding the armored troops of His Valkyries only female and very cruel by hordes of male slaves skeletonized by hunger with the signs of torture on the naked body and with chains on hands and feet who were ordered to throw themselves all at the same time towards the frontier soldiers of the nations to be invaded by pretending to be chased by the Valkyries and asking for help and freedom to then deceive the enemies by freeing their hands from the chains to use them against them and die fighting shouting the name of their Goddess! the Valkyries, taking advantage of the disarray of the enemy, broke into the nations, with tanks, air forces and missiles at the same time unleashed all the offensives against the rebel nations immediately followed by the bodies of the Amazons who consolidated the conquests by capturing all the males and offering the Women to help them to then gain power in the name of the New Supreme Goddess Yanara, placing prisoners in forced labor camps to produce food for the Fighters and leaving them to starve, fatigue and whipping

  4. la Suprema Dea Yanara ,stanca dei rifiuti delle nazioni paternalistiche aderenti alle religioni abramitiche di adorare i Sacri Piedi della Dea ,ordina una invasione con totale assogettamento di tali nazioni per avere finalmente il potere totale su tutto il Mondo e spedisce il piu' potente esercito della storia contemporaneamente e improvvisamente senza dichiarazioni facendo precedere le truppe corazzate delle Sue Valchirie solo femminili e crudelissime da orde di schiavi maschi scheletriti dalla fame con i segni delle torture sul corpo nudo e con catene a mani e piedi che avevano l'ordine di gettarsi tutti contemporaneamente verso i soldati di frontiera delle nazioni da invadere fingendo di essere inseguiti dalle Valchirie e chiedendo aiuto e liberta'per poi ingannare i nemici liberandosi le mani dalle catene per usarle contro di loro e morire combattendo gridando il nome della loro Dea! le Valchirie approfittando dello sbandamento del nemico facevano irruzione nelle nazioni , con carri armati, forze aeree e missili scatenavano contemporaneamente tutte le offensive contro le nazioni ribelli subito seguite dai corpi delle Amazzoni che consolidavano le conquiste facendo prigionieri tutti i maschi ed offrendo alle Donne di aiutarle per poi avere il potere in nome della Nuova Suprema Dea Yanara, mettendo i prigionieri in campi di lavoro forzato per produrre i cibi per le Combattenti e lasciandoli morire di fame ,fatica e frustate
